Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Innocents of Jack Clayton Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Innocents of Jack Clayton - Movie Review Example Mrs. Giddens’s need for affirmation lead her to escape for her native town and obtain a new job based on lies.   At the beginning of the story, the audience becomes aware that Mrs. Giddens wants to escape from her everyday reality. She seems to be unhappy in her native small town as she applies for a job that is far away from her home.   The new job in a large house in the countryside opens up the opportunity to start a new life as a governess.   Furthermore, during her first job interview, she tries to convince her possible employer that she can do and be whatever she needs to do in order to be hired. She states: â€Å"But above anything else, I love the children† (The Innocents).   Mrs. Giddens appears to be a typical, traditional woman.   She wants to receive approval and she has an obvious need to be accepted. Her wish to work with children can be interpreted as a normal motherly instinct, but it also could be interpreted as something more sinister: Mrs. G iddens needs to be in control and the audience could notice that she does have a low level of self-esteem. Mrs. Giddens realizes that the need to hire a new governess is an emergency and so she takes advantage of that situation. She pretends to be a good person in whom the uncle of the two orphan children can trust.   The director portrays Mrs. Giddens as a rather pretty, normal person who will do whatever needs to be done to make the children happy.   At first, it is not obvious that there may be some hidden intentions behind the pleasant exterior of Mrs. Giddens.   When she mentions that her goal or priority is making the children happy rather than to give them a good education this shows that she is not logical and objective. Mrs. Giddens does not have a clear idea that the role of a governess is to educate the children and make them into productive individuals.   She takes advantage of the situation showing herself as a compassionate person who wants the children to be happy. This suits the uncle, who is not very interested in the welfare of the two children. He just wants to enjoy himself without any worries. Both of the adults betray the children by neglecting their real needs.

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